
Showing posts from 2019

End of Year Reflections

  My 3rd year of teaching ended last week. It was a fast whirlwind year that was filled with many ups and downs. I will be honest in saying that it was one of the most difficult years I have had so far. I also learned and grew more as a teacher than in any other years. As I reflect here are the big takeaways from this school year.  I went to a lot of professional development trainings outside of my building this year. I had students with challenging behavior and I didn't feel like I had all of the right tools to help my students succeed. I went to PD about special education and behavior! I became more understanding about students with special needs. I learned so much about working with students with trauma, ADHD, and behavioral needs. One of my closest teacher friends is a life skills SPED teacher and we went to a lot of trainings together. I have learned that so much a population of students who are frequently underserved that I hope to possibly get a special education endors...