
Showing posts from May 12, 2023

Special Education Tips & Inspiration

 I was recently looking through my Google Drive folder's from when I got my special education endorsement and thought I'd share a Padlet full of tips & words of wisdom for those thinking of entering special education this fall.  Special Education Padlet Link Google Slide of Resources As I was looking through the Padlet- I feel like the advise/stories hit different now that I'm 2 years into my special-educator journey. Here are some thoughts about special education as I wind up this school year and reflect on the past: When people say that special education is both extremely challenging and rewarding at the same time its so true! The highs of helping a student with behavior problems make progress or a kid with dyslexia learning to read is so amazing, but the challenges of getting to that point are also exhausting.  Special education is something that you need to experience and do hands on to really understand it. Teaching in general is a very learn on the job career. I...